Services we offer

Explosive Works

This  service  is  specifically  aimed  at perforations  job  in  existing  wells. The spectrum ranges  from  inserting  Plugs,  separating  Tubing, Bridge-Plug,  back-off  shooting  to  loosen connections,  to  perforations  for  the  purpose  of  production  and  increasing  production.

We  take  responsibility  of  the  Austrian explosive  safety  officer  as  well  as  the supervision  and  control  on  the  wellsite.

Radioactive Works

In  the  area  of  wellsite  logging  with  radiation sources,  temporarily  placed in  logging  tools,  we  also  enable  a  possibility  in  accordance with  Austrian  law  and  radiation  protection ordinance  to  carry  out  this  work  in  Austria.


We  take  responsibility  as  radiation  safety  officer  as  well  as  the  supervision  and  control  at  the  wellsite  operation.


We also offer our services when using radiation protection monitoring measurements to ensure a correct assessment of transport and storage.

Transport of ADR

We transport in accordance with the law and according to the ADR "Dangerous Goods Transport Act" of all classes.  Also  Explosive-Transports  in Germany.

We  take  responsibility  as the  obligation  of  the  " Dangerous  Goods Officer "

Import / Export of explosives

Our  company  is  authorized  to  import/export and  using  explosives  in  Austria.

We  import  explosives  that  are  required  for  the planned  work  into  the  country  with  the  help of  the  executing  company. 

After  completion  of this  order  we  will  also  export  it  back  to  the country  of  origin.

For  permanent  shipment  and  storage  in Austria  for  follow-up  orders,  or  fast troubleshooting  works  we  will  make  separate agreements.

We  have  an  explosive-bunker  with  20 tons  of NEM  available.

Import / Export of radiation sources for use in borehole measurements

We  help  and  take  care  of  all  necessary reporting  obligations  and  notifications  to  the extent  required  by  the  authorities.

We  provide  the  officially  registered  "radiation safety officer"  required  in  Austria  with  all associated  tasks  such  as  supervision,  control and  monitoring  when  handling  with  radiation sources  at  the  wellsite  for  logging  job.

External                                        Occupational safety specialist

We are state-trained, certified and support or take on the task of the safety specialist (SFK) required by the Employee Protection Act (AschG).
